of Support to Communities for their participation in Conservation
With the support of the Serenity Trust, TRACT has commenced a program ‘Community for Tigers’ which aims to enhance the lives of people in local communities of the buffer zone, and provide them with more education and employment opportunities, thereby reducing their dependence on the forest. TRACT is also working towards improving the quality of the local communities by converging government schemes to ensure an end to open defecation, clean drinking water and employment opportunities.
SCHOLARSHIP: 20 students from the buffer villages of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, to facilitate their ITI courses, thereby creating employment capacity and reducing their dependence on the forest.
INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF VILLAGES: Our decade long study of human - large carnivore conflict identifies the reasons for conflict. Collecting of minor forest produce, grazing of livestock in forest and using the bush for attending to natures call are the most frequent activities of the victims of attacks. This open defecation also has major health implications and pollution to air quality and the ground water.
TRACT has facilitated the integrated development of more than 250 villages situated along the periphery of the 6 tiger reserves of Maharashtra. Formulating the concept of this State scheme (Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Jan Van Vikas Yojana) 100% families of more than. 250 villages benefitted with subsidised toilets, cooking gas and refills, solar lights, and solar fences for securing their marginal farms. With an improvement in their living conditions and creating capacity and opportunity for employment, their dependence on the forest habitat has reduced to a large extent; so has conflict and the negative interface between people and tigers.
The TRACT team has been creating awareness in these villages about this scheme and the need to use toilets, clean water and improved agricultural systems to improve yield.
TADOBA FIGHTS COVID: We have commenced an initiative ‘Tadoba Fights Covid’ for awareness among the local buffer villages about vaccination and for facilitating medical help with fellow NGO’s, Tadoba Management and some colleagues.
Through these initiatives, we have been addressing the fear that people have about vaccination. Essential medicines kits have been created, to be provided to these remote villages.
TRACT team checking open well in the fields near forest fringes in the Tadoba landscape
TRACT team facilitating the use of LPG in villages of buffer of Tadoba
Medicines and other supplies for Tadoba Buffer Villages, donated by Individual donors